Premises/Property Owner Liability

Ohio Slip-And-Fall Injury Lawyer

Many premises liability accidents and injuries go unreported because individuals believe they will not receive any compensation. While it is true that some slip-and-fall cases are more complex, the Columbus property injury lawyers at Volkema Thomas, LLC, will aggressively fight for your full and fair monetary compensation.

Recent changes in Ohio law have made it more difficult to recover monetary compensation in a premises liability case. If you were injured on a property and the element that caused the accident was open and obvious, the case becomes a great deal more complex. Our experience and our understanding of the law allow clients — who believed their cases to be unwinnable — to reach a successful conclusion.

There are several situations where the open and obvious conditions do not apply, including:

  • Accidents with attendant circumstances
  • Independent contractor accidents
  • Landlord-tenant accidents
  • Falling merchandise
  • Patrons hit by employees pushing heavy carts through a store

Attendant circumstances can refer to a company-created distraction that ultimately causes a trip-and-fall or slip-and-fall. If a company has intentionally distracted its patrons from focusing on their own safety, the open and obvious conditions do not apply. These distractions might include flashing lights around a sale and other attention-grabbing marketing methods.

An owner or manager has the duty to ensure his or her property is safe for visitors. If you suffered an injury as a result of an accident that occurred in an apartment complex, department store or on uneven pavement, contact an attorney at our firm immediately.

Contact Our Firm

If you have questions regarding premises liability accidents, contact Volkema Thomas, LLC, to schedule an appointment. We offer a free initial consultation and free parking at our building. You can reach us by calling 614-227-7061 or by completing the contact form on this website.