Third-Party Workplace Injuries
After being injured on the job, you may apply to receive compensation for your injuries from your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance program. Depending on how you were injured, however, workers’ compensation may not be the only source of compensation available to you. You may also be eligible to seek compensation from a third party.
What Does ‘Third Party’ Mean?
In the context of a work injury, a third party is someone other than you or your employer or a direct co-worker, when that person or entity causes injury.
For example, a construction worker who is injured by the wrongful act or neglect of an employee of another contractor on the same job site may be able to seek damages from that other contractor. Additional examples of third-party workplace injury include:
- Accidents caused by a delivery driver
- Accidents caused by a vendor
- If you were driving as a function of your job and were hit by another car
- If a slip-and-fall was caused by a cleaning crew’s wet or cluttered floors
- A maintenance crew disabling a safety feature or removing a guardrail
Because Ohio recently enacted many laws restricting the rights of injured people to recover compensation for their injuries, these cases require experienced legal representation — the type of representation the attorneys at Volkema Thomas Miller & Scott can provide.
Know What Your Full Case Is Worth
Our firm pursues every avenue of compensation for your case after a work injury. Why settle for less than what you deserve? To schedule your free initial consultation with a work injury lawyer, call our office in Columbus at 614-227-7061 or use our online form to get in touch.